AWS Healthcare Solutions

Accelerate development and connect more deeply with patients, members and healthcare professionals.

BREAKING: Loka Named 2024 AWS Innovation Partner of the Year

AWS Partner of the Year 2024

Turn ideas into apps and compliance into a competitive edge.

Selected as an Advanced Consulting Partner by AWS, Loka provides the deep AWS expertise, specialized regulatory knowledge, and deep technical understanding needed to help our partners build projects and platforms that change people’s lives.

From startups to innovation arms of Fortune 500s, we can accelerate your project through the cloud and guide you to services that improve your processes, deployment and outcomes.

Get an expert. Avoid the guesswork.

Loka’s team represents the top 1% of AWS Service Partners. With over 100 certified specialists, technical experts and PhDs, we can quickly spin-up teams to help you leverage the best of AWS for your unique healthcare use case and milestones.

Compliant, certified Healthcare development

AICPA - SOC2510(k) CompliantFDA CompliantHIPAA CompliantGxP CompliantHITRUST Certified

Healthcare Success Stories


Loka delivers a comprehensive data platform with a scalable science environment backend and data plane.


Loka creates enterprise BI and data analytics warehouse, improving data efficiencies to eVisits telehealth platform.

Healthcare Transformation

Healthcare app and system development

Health information exchange

Health information management

Regulatory and compliance

AI/ML implementation and optimization

Ongoing maintenance

Healthcare Teams that Streamline Critical Projects

healthcare = loka.healthcareTeam()

healthcare.experience = “19y”
healthcare.designApproach = “user-centric”
healthcare.qualityLevel = “highest”

Domain experience
and knowhow

Loka has been building tools and apps for healthcare partners for 19 years. With more than half our clients in the field, we’ve not only seen it expand and evolve, we’ve pushed it forward ourselves.


Doctors, patients and healthcare administrators bring different needs and expectations to the technologies they use. We’re capable of delivering the range of experiences that make each group feel engaged and informed.

Committed to
build and ship

We love making things. Our teams know how to avoid development bottlenecks, clear regulatory hurdles and get your healthcare innovation into the hands of your audience quickly, efficiently and at the highest level of quality.

Proud to launch for
leaders on AWS

Creative LiveBlueCross BlueShield AssociationDr. KatzElloDeeper Signals
Creative LiveBlueCross BlueShield AssociationDr. KatzElloDeeper Signals
Creative LiveBlueCross BlueShield AssociationDr. KatzElloDeeper Signals
Creative LiveBlueCross BlueShield AssociationDr. KatzElloDeeper Signals
Creative LiveBlueCross BlueShield AssociationDr. KatzElloDeeper Signals